PTC® Creo® Sketch

PTC® Creo® Sketch

2D-Skizzier-App, mit der man Produktentwürfe skizzieren und elektronisch mit Kunden, Zulieferern und Kollegen teilen kann.

PTC® Creo® Sketch

PTC® Creo® Sketch gives users the ability to quickly draw and communicate their product ideas. This fast, easy-to-use freehand 2D sketching application helps more people get involved and contribute to the product development process.

You have an idea – and before it slips away you want to capture it as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you jot it down on a napkin, you can’t save or share it easily. If you try to use general-purpose office tools, you’ll be hampered by predefined shapes or limited capabilities. Creating a text-based description of that concept may not efficiently or effectively communicate all aspects, especially the visual aesthetics, of the idea. You need a solution, before the idea evaporates.

The reality is that many people throughout your organization have ideas that can foster new products or improvements to existing ones. Most people are not CAD experts and lack access to tools that help them visually capture product ideas or feedback on existing designs. This dilemma can mean the difference between a good product and a great one.

PTC Creo Sketch can help you capture and share these ideas so they can make a positive impact on your product development process. From creating product requirements and 2D concept design, to enabling engineering design reviews with suppliers and customers, PTC Creo Sketch can help multiple stakeholders capture information that can improve a design. In addition, data from the 2D sketch can be reused in PTC Creo for creating the 3D model, which further increases design productivity.

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