PTC® Creo® Reverse Engineering Extension

PTC® Creo® Reverse Engineering Extension

Digitale Erfassung von physischen Konstruktionen durch den import von Punktewolkendaten

PTC® Creo® Reverse Engineering Extension

Do you have prototypes, current products, or finished tooling, but no related drawings or CAD data? Are you dreading having to create the CAD model from scratch? Perhaps you design highly customizable products such as medical devices that require a perfect fit with the human body. Are you wondering how you’ll get the parts to fit? Relax.

With PTC Creo Reverse Engineering Extension (REX), you can easily create – or recreate the electronic 3D CAD model of your physical product, without spending an enormous amount of time, effort or money. Creo Reverse Engineering allows engineers to work with ‘point cloud’ data obtained by scanning physical prototypes.

With the cutting edge tools in Creo Reverse Engineering, you can refine the point cloud and polygonal data, reducing noise and/or the total number of points. In this way you can speed up processing time, without sacrificing the level of detail, while preserving design intent. From there, you can quickly create a facet model. Surfaces can be projected to fit facet data, or boundary surfaces created from curves sketched on the facet model. Or, take advantage of the geometric surface options such as planar, cylindrical, extruded or revolved surfaces to create true analytic geometry.

Once a surface is created, you can use the full set of Creo analysis tools for surface analysis, and to check for any deviation between the surface and facet data. Creo Reverse Engineering captures physical characteristics such as surface tangency, ensuring that the design intent is preserved 100%.

PTC® Creo® Reverse Engineering Extension

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